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RW QGC Berstuk Ruslan

Color: Brown (Black) Spotted Tabby with White
Birth Date: 01/17/2023
Blood Group: A
Felv/Fiv: Negative
CPC: C/C not a carrier for colorpoint
PKD: Normal
PK Def: Negative by lineage & DNA
HCM: Normal

Ruslan will be the next king of Berstuk, he is son to our King Bohannon & Nadory. He is a incredibly sweet boy, always wanting to be held & played with. He is very confident and loves attending cat shows and meeting new people. He's never met a person he doesn't love! We plan to show him as much as posible before he retires to stud. Since he is so young, we have some pending health tests to do with him before breeding. We are currently working on adding two new queens for him.

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